Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day!!!

Daddy helped me make a Valentine's Day card for Mommy, and I helped Daddy make heart-shaped scones for Mommy for breakfast. It rained off and on today, so we had a lazy family day running errands. I fell asleep almost immediately, so Mommy & Daddy ate some Yoshi's in the car while I napped. When I woke up, they got me a couple hamburgers from Mickey D's. Then we went to Target, where I got a cool "Astronaut & Rocket" suitcase, backpack, and fanny pack. I really like rolling the suitcase around the store. We also picked me up a pair of new sneakers. I needed a pair that didn't have black soles for my toddler gym class that starts next month. I'm gonna learn how to play T-ball, soccer, basketball, & hockey with Daddy. Next, we went to Bed, Bath, & Beyond, where we got me a new folding chair. It's a little tall for our coffee table, so Daddy is going to saw the legs down a couple inches. (My little $1.50 red plastic Daiso chair finally went kaputs - the seat cracked.) Lastly, we went to Costco to pick up some USDA prime ribeye steaks that Daddy made for dinner along with sauteed broccoli and scalloped potatoes. Dinner was delicious. I had 2nds and 3rds.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Daycare Valentine's

We brought Valentine's Day balloons for everyone at daycare. We had lots of treats today. My favorite were the brownies with gummy bears on top.

This is Hannah, Ava, and Me with our Valentine's balloons.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Freedom & Independence

After months of keeping me from mischief, I finally conquered my captor - our Hand-Free Security Gate. I locked myself in my room today. When Daddy didn't come to my rescue fast enough, I stepped on the peddle and slipped my other foot through the gate to the other peddle, and then hopped until the gate sprung open - Sweet FREEDOM!

I've been opening the refrigerator door by myself for a few weeks now. I'd just open it and check things out. However, today while Daddy & I were watching TV, I realized I was hungry. So, I got up from the couch, opened the refrigerator, pulled open the vegetable drawer, grabbed a pint of blueberries, closed the drawer and the door, and brought them back to the couch. Then I exclaimed to Daddy, "I opened and closed the refrigerator ALL BY MYSELF." Sweet INDEPENDENCE!

Later this afternoon, I discovered Daddy's secret chocolate stash in the bottom drawer of the refrigerator. SCORE!!!