Monday, April 30, 2007

Food Update

The 'Rents finally got around to giving me fruit this weekend. They started off with applesauce. Frankly, I dunno what all the fuss is about. I really didn't care for it. In fact, I'm pretty sure I just don't like it. I gave it try. I ate half a container the first day. Then Mommy mixed the other half in my cereal for breakfast which wasn't too bad - I think the cereal masked the tartness. But when Mommy tried again, I decided I'd had enough after a few spoonfuls. It's just not tasting any better. Give me green veggies anyday over this sour stuff or better yet give me more squash and sweet potatoes. Carrots are just a tad too sweet; although, I could probably learn to like them. Anyway, I hope fruits get better. Cooper and Khai seemed to like them a lot, so there must be something to them.

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Another Nice Weekend

The heatwave continued all week. I got to roll around in the grass for the first time. It tickled my toes and made me laugh. We're staying cool in the shade in this pic.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Snoozing in the Sun

We got a heat wave this weekend, so Mommy and I soaked up some rays in the backyard. I took a nice long nap on my tummy for the first time.

Designer Duds

I'm sporting my new Kenneth Cole clothes - mommy got them on sale. Unfortunately, they're a tad too small so she's gonna return them for a larger size.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Exploring My Exersaucer

Hey, who put these gadgets on my Exersaucer when I wasn't looking? I never noticed them before.

I've been practicing my sitting . . .

Still need the boppy for a little security, but I'm getting better everyday.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Enjoying the breeze in my face . . .

Today, I got to go to a noodle house. Look like some pretty interesting food. Afterwards, we went to the Carter's store to get me some new digs - a couple summer outfits, dressy shirts, bibs, and a duckie the quacks and wiggles. In this pic, Daddy is walking me back to the car. The 'Rents say I must be part doggie cuz I really like the wind in my face.

Bouncy Bounce

I finally figured out how to get this thing to bounce. It's a lot of fun! No wonder Khai and Cooper like their Exersaucers so much. This twirly thing is pretty tasty, too.

Beach Blanket Babylon Here I Come

Mommy says I'm ready to try out for Beach Blanket Babylon in San Francisco. I dunno much about it, but they've got some cool hats.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

They're at it again...

Trying to feed me green veggies. This time the 'Rents gave me peas. I was hesitant at first, maybe even a little aprehensive, but they kind of grew on me. Not to mention, I think I'm going through another growth spurt, so I was starving. I would have eaten shoe leather at this point...hmm, shoe leather. Anyway, I ate two heaping spoonfuls.

Hopefully, this time I won't break out in a rash. 24 hours after the green beans, I was covered with little red dots. They didn't itch or bother me at all. The doc said it was a viral rash, so it supposedly wasn't due to the green beans. I'm a little suspicious, though. I had to stay home from daycare for 2.5 days so I wouldn't pass it along, but they're all gone now.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

It's Here . . . My 2nd Tooth!!!

Mommy says I've been a little more whiny and cranky these past couple weeks or so. Every once and a while, I'd freak her out with sudden little outbursts - sometimes only a cry, other times a short pout session. I was trying to tell her that my other lower central incisor was about to break through. Today it finally made its appearance. Now, she'll believe me. What a relief!

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

The Stats...Just the Stats

So, I had my 6-month checkup today. I got to avoid the shots cuz of this crazy rash I got. Gotta come back when the spots are gone. The doc gave me a cool book of baby faces called "Smile!". The babies crack me up. I weighed in at 18lbs 11.5oz, 27.5 inches long, and a head circumference of 17.5 inches. 75th percentile across the board.

Sunday, April 8, 2007

Are you sure about this green stuff???

The 'Rents tried to pull a fast one on me. They put me in my Bumbo Seat, fastened my bib, tucked in a napkin, got me all ready for Cereal Time - this has been our daily ritual all week. They even gave me a couple spoonfuls of yummy cereal, THEN they did a switcharoonie (those sly dogs) and gave me a spoonful of this weird green stuff called "green beans". It tasted funny. I managed to get down a few spoonfuls with only a slight grimace each time. Eventually, Daddy took pity on me and switched back to cereal. I finished the whole serving. Then, he tried to go back to the green beans, but I was on to them this time. I wouldn't have anything to do with it - I spit it back out, turned my head, and sealed my lips. That stuff was funky, especially after the cereal. Mommy made me another tablespoon of cereal, followed by a bottle of formula, for my efforts. :-)


Today was a busy day . . . I got to supervise a photo shoot first thing this morning. Kevin & Sara's parents asked Daddy & Mommy to take some family photos for them. So, we went across the street to their backyard. They've got lots of cool toys in there backyard. I can't wait till I can come over and play. Afterwards, we went out for breakfast. Later in the afternoon, we met up with Jared and his family for an Easter Buffet. I didn't get to eat any of the yummy food, but I did get to see the Easter Bunny. He gave me an orange egg. There's something inside, too. I could shake it, and it would make noise. I haven't figured out how to open it yet. Later, I got to play with my soft and fuzzy Easter bunny & ducks.

Thursday, April 5, 2007

Sipping vs. Sitting

This sipping business is a piece of cake, but I'm not too sure about this sitting business...seems simpler to just stand.

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

They all come tumbling down!

Mommy and I had lots of fun playing with my Baby Einstein Color Blocks and Musical Stack & Play. Mommy would balance the blocks on my head. Everytime they fell down, she would make funny sound effects which made me giggle. I had even more fun when she would stack the blocks on top of each other on top the Stack & Play to make a HUGE tower, and I would knock them all down . . . BOOM!!!

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Daddy's got the Magic Touch

The 'Rents attempted to feed me cereal for the third time tonight. I like eating real food with a spoon, but it doesn't seem to want to stay in my mouth. It keeps spilling out everytime I open up. Mommy says more is coming out than going in. Daddy was trying so hard tonight, feeding me little spoonfuls, that I concentrated real hard to keep the cereal in. It worked. I ate almost the whole serving.