Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Wiggly Piggly Toes

So, I discovered these things wiggling inside my footies last week. Mommy says they are my piggy toes. She's always playing with them and singing some funny song about the market and roast beef. I don't see them much cuz the 'rents keep 'em covered up on account it's cold out. They're hard to catch with all the wigglin' and kickin' going on, but I got 'em and they tickle.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

The Life & Times of Zachy "J"

I was born at 4:28AM October 8th, 2006 - 7 lbs, 3.6 oz, & 20 inches. Since my mommy's memory isn't what it use to be, she says I've gotta earn my keep and track all the important stats & milestones of my life. At my 4-Month appt on February 13th, I weighed 16 lbs, 4 ounces, 26-3/4 inches long, and a head circumference of 17-1/4 inches. That puts me at 75th, 95th, and 90th percentiles, respectively. I'm growing fast. I'm eating about 26-32 ounces a day, 8-12 ounces of my daily intake is breastmilk. Mommy says it's good for me, builds up my immune system. I need as much help as I can get since I've been catching colds ever since I started daycare. I'm starting to get use to that suction ball thing the 'rents keep sticking up my nose. I breathe a lot better afterwards. I'm sleeping 10-12 hours at night but not quite straight through, yet. Mommy wakes me up to change & feed me before she goes to bed. Then I wake her up 4-5 hours later, she either gives me my pacifier or a bottle. If it's the former, I'll keep waking her up every hour until she feeds me. If it's the latter, I'm good for another 3-4 hours. Mommy use to wake up earlier and head off to work while I slept in with Daddy. But Daddy starts a new job tomorrow, so my schedule is gonna be all out of whack until they figure out what they're gonna do. I'm pooping pretty much every day. For a while there, it was every other day. I usually take a break on weekends and usually go a 2-3 days without dirtying up my diaper too bad. The 'rents get pretty excited when I save the messy ones for daycare. You'd think they won the lottery or something. They're so funny. I can do lots of stuff now like grasp my favorite toys & fling them around, roll from my tummy-to-back and onto my side from my back, kick like a madman in the tub, bouncy, & kick gym, babble quite a bit and talk to whales & dolphins in a secret high pitched language, stand for a several seconds with assistance, sit in my Bumbo seat, grab my toes, scratch my head & face (the 'rents don't like it when I do that), laugh & smile at mommy & daddy when they're acting silly, blow bubbles, drool like nobody's business, and suck my thumb, bibs, washcloths, daddy's shirtsleeves & pretty much anything else I can shove in my mouth.