Saturday, March 31, 2007

Off Roading

Check out my new wheels - a Baby Jogger City Stroller! We cruised the neighborhood to the nearby park to test it out - through the grassy field, across the sandy playground, up the concrete hill, and over the wooden platform. It's a pretty smooth ride with its inflatable 12-inch tires and swivel front wheel. Daddy had to wear the leash to keep it from getting away from him.

Monkey Toes at the Table

Chillin' outside with Daddy at Erik's Deli - just sittin' back and sunnin' my toes.

Friday, March 30, 2007

OUT with the Old . . . IN with the New

My feet were starting to reach the edge of my infant carseat and Mommy kept complaining about it pulling out her elbow, so the 'Rents bought me a new comfy throne for the car. It's pretty plush with all is fake suede and soft pillows. I also got an upgrade on my beverage container . . . Bye Bye Bottle . . . Hello Sippy Cup.

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Rollie Pollie Zachary - Caught on Video!!!

Mommy finally caught me on video rolling over. It only took a half dozen attempts. She ended up having to give me a little nudge to get me started.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Denim Dude

Just wanted to show off my new duds I got from Kevin across the street. Mommy is finally dressing me like a little boy instead of a baby. 'Bout time.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Standing & Couch Surfing

I've been kicking so much that my legs are getting strong. I can stand and couch surf for several seconds. The 'Rents think I'll be walking before I crawl cuz I can't seem to get my butt off the floor.

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Lockheed Martin Day at Great America

Today, we went to Great America, the local amusement park. Mommy's company reserved the whole park before the season started. It was pretty cool. Lots new sights and sounds for me to enjoy. I really liked all the loud music. Mommy danced around with me in the Baby Bjorn. We were only able to ride the carousel on account I'm still too short. I didn't like it at first cuz it was windy and the fountain was spraying water on us, but as soon as the ride started spinning I had a good time. When I get bigger, I'm coming back.

This is a picture of me and Daddy in line for funnel cake - another yummy looking food I hope to try someday.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007


We have two kitties - Gizmo and E'bi. They move pretty fast, but I've been noticing them a lot lately. E'bi, our black cat, is my Guardian Kitty. When I use to have diaper changing fits, she would wait outside the bedroom door until I was done. Whenever I'm alone and cry out, she cries, too. Then she goes and gets Mommy & Daddy for me. When I get to sleep in the big bed with the 'Rents, she's usually there keeping my feet warm. This morning, Mommy put me on the bed next to her. She was close enough for me to pet her soft fur. I was so excited that I must have startled her cuz she jumped up quick. I tried to stop her and grabbed a hold of her tail, but I don't think she liked it. :-(

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Stealthy Tooth

I discovered an odd thing in my mouth this morning. Right up front on my lower jaw, there's this sharp little stub. I kept trying to push it out with my tongue, but it refused to budge. My mommy got all excited, saying it was my "first tooth" and smothered me with kisses cuz I didn't make a big fuss when it came in. She even called Daddy on the cell phone to give him the news.

Monday, March 19, 2007

Sleeping Through the Night

With the springtime weather we've been getting, my never-ending daycare cold finally seems to be getting better. So much so, that I've been giving the 'Rents a break by sleeping through the night with no feedings for the last week or so. I'm usually in bed by 8PM and don't wake up till at least 5AM. Mommy still wakes up a couple times during the night to check on me. I move around a lot in my sleep, so she usually tucks in my blanket and gives me my pacifer. I even slept one night in my crib. It was pretty cool to wake up with my mobiles and glo-worm to keep me company. Mommy missed me, though, and brought me back to bed with her.

Saturday, March 17, 2007

I Wear My Sunglasses at . . . the Park

Mommy got a new camera, and I got new shades. We went to the park to test them both out. After a little adjustment from Daddy, I was looking pretty studly. I was ready to put my sunglasses to work and check out the chicks...I mean ducks...on the lake.

Friday, March 16, 2007

More Stealthy Rolling

Today at daycare, they put me on my favorite activity mat for some floor time. When the adults were busy playing with another baby, I did some rapid rolling across the carpet. I got at least TEN feet away before they noticed me. They were duly impressed.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Grasping & Pulling

Hey, I finally figured out how to get the Lion in my Playskool Let's Play Together Tummy Time Gym to vibrate. Mommy would hand it to me, and it would wiggle back to the top of the gym. But when I would grab it on my own, nothing would happen. Today, I figured out I had to pull it down to me. It was soooo simple. I did it over and over, first in my right hand, then I pulled it down with my left hand. It tickled and made me laugh.

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Stealth Rolling

Mommy caught me post-roll from back-to-tummy today. When her back was turned, I did my roll. I was too tuckered out to roll back over before she caught me. Instead, I just lied there on my tummy with my arms sticking out to my sides. I proceeded to do one more stealth roll but ended up lying on my arm. It wasn't too comfortable so I rolled back over onto my back. I did attempt the back-to-tummy roll two more times, but I got stuck on my arm on my side. If I could just remember where I put my arm the first time I successfully rolled, I could impress Mommy again.

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Me & Daddy

By the way, this is my Ol' Man. He bathes me and feeds me and hugs me and squeezes me and carries me and tickles me and makes funny faces and sings to me and plays with me and changes my diapers. He even lets me slobber on his good shirts and suck on his shirtsleeves. We have a special tummy time every morning. He's the bestest daddy in the world.

Pirate Zach

Ahoy, me hearties!

The Ol' Man thought it would be cute to pose me in my sailboat sleeper with Mr. Parrot on my shoulder. Just need an eye patch and a sword.

Sunday, March 4, 2007

Down by the Boardwalk

Today, we took Uncle Jody to Santa Cruz. It was another gorgeous day - sunny & warm. I got to cruise the boardwalk & pier in my Snap-n-Go wheels. I think Daddy was all pooped out from carrying me everywhere yesterday. There were people from all walks of life out enjoying the beach and sunshine. There were people in parkas and others in bikinis. There were plenty of new sights and sounds for me to enjoy. I really liked the sea gulls and other birds flying overhead. Their squawking made me laugh as did the noises the sea lions and seals made in the water. At the end of the pier, Mommy took me into the ice cream & candy parlor. I really liked that store - it made me smile & giggle. It must have been all the sweet aromas and colorful toys. The 'Rents & Uncle Jody bought ice cream & shakes. Mommy let me have a taste of her Butter Pecan ice cream. It was YUMMY!!! The coldness tickled my lips, and the sweetness was divine. I can't wait till I get to have some of my own. Afterwards, we headed up the coast. We stopped at Duarte's Tavern in Pescadero where the 'Rents ate their reknowned cream of artichoke soup and some seafood. I tossed back a bottle of formula and sung along to the tunes on the jukebox. After a quick diaper change in the car (Dad's getting really good at this.), we headed home. Uncle Jody & I slept the whole way back. It was another good day.

Saturday, March 3, 2007

Chinese New Year Parade

This is the pic that Mommy sent out for Chinese New Year.

Since the grownups took so long eating their pizza, we were late getting to the CNY Parade. Mommy decided it would be best to go to the end of the parade route cuz it was closer. She figured we could walk the parade route in reverse and catch up with Uncle Bill & Aunt Terry who were at Union Square watching the parade at the corner of Geary & Stockton. Well, Mom's great idea took us straight into the heart of Chinatown. We were swallowed up in the masses. We literally got stuck in the crowd cuz some greedy inconsiderate store owner thought it would be smart to hawk eggrolls & soft drinks on the street. We got pinned up against the card table they had blocking the path. Good thing there wasn't any sort of emergency. Daddy & Uncle Jody were sorely tempted to knock the table down. I got even by passing my cold onto lots of unsuspecting victims - Muuuhhhaaahhhaa. The spectators in Chinatown were easily 4-5 rows deep from the street. We couldn't see bumpkiss. Even Daddy, who's over 6-foot tall, couldn't really see anything. So, we headed back up to Grant Avenue where it was more breathable and started walking towards Downtown catching glimpses of the parade down the cross streets. We eventually got to Post Street where the sidewalks were much wider. We watch the parade a little from there before crossing the street to Geary Street and heading towards Union Square. We got to see a few dragons & lion dancers, the rainbow cheerleaders & marching band (very special San Franciscans), very tall people with funny masks (My mom says there were walking on stilts/poles. I don't believer her. I didn't see any poles.), Taiko drummers, & pageant floats. The parade ended with lots of firecrackers and a really cool gold dragon that was lit up with colorful lights. The firecrackers didn't bother me much cuz I was getting pretty tired by then, but Daddy covered my ears anyway. Isn't he a good daddy? After the parade, we met up with Uncle Bill & Aunt Terry and a bunch of their friends. After some gabbing on the street corner, we eventually headed back to the train which took us back to the car. Eventhough the 'Rents & Uncle Jody pigged out on pizza, we met up with everyone for dim sum (another interesting food I can't wait to try) in Daly City. I was really tuckered out by then. I pretty much slept through the train ride, late dinner, and the entire drive home. It was a good day.

Exploring Chinatown & North Beach

Uncle Jody (He's not my real uncle, but he's the closest daddy has to a brother.) came for a visit this past weekend. We went up to San Francisco Saturday to check out the Chinese New Year Community Street Fair. We drove up to the Daly City BART Station and took the train to Market Street. From there, I got to travel is real style - in front of Daddy in the Baby Bjorn carrier. I got a great view of the throngs of people. There was a crazy number of them milling around. We caught the tailend of the street fair, but I don't think we missed much - just lots of booths sponsored by community agencies and such. I was pretty content checking out all the new sights and sounds. All the colorful kitsch hanging in the shop windows was fun to look at. There was lots of loud music and people speaking in Chinese and other foreign languages. I got quite a bit of attention with lots of people smiling at me. Daddy says he now knows what it's like to be a woman with everyone looking at his chest instead of his eyes. (Don't really know what he meant by that.) After a couple hours exploring Chinatown, Dad started complaining that I was too heavy. (Hey, they keep feeding me, so I keep eating.) He whined more than I did. Anyway, we ended up walking even more searching for a pizza parlor in North Beach. We ended up at North Beach Pizza, Too! on Grant (Pretty much back where we entered North Beach at.) I was pretty beat from all the walking so I crashed out in the booth next to Mommy. After a half hour or so, I woke up to be juggled lap-to-lap while Mommy, Daddy, & Uncle Jody ate their pizza. (I've gotta try that someday. Looks like fun with all that gooey cheese.) I gave everyone a pretty good scare at the restaurant - while Daddy was holding me and talking to Uncle Jody, I decided to stretch my legs. I ended up flipping backwards and conking my head on the table. It scared everyone, including myself. Mommy was talking to Aunt Jenney on the cell phone, but she quickly hung up and gave me hugs & kisses. Soon, I was laughing at the baby in the mirror. My fright forgotten. I've got a pretty hard head, so no worries - no bumps or bruises. The grownups finished eating soon after that, so after a quick diaper change we were back on the road.